There's more to Act3 than meets the eye. Discover the most popular features and components.

Great Performance
Improve your page speed. Stay ahead of competition and rank better on Google with a much faster website.

Beautiful and clean pricing design, made for one-time fees or subscription-based plans, with monthly/annual toggle.

Pillar Page
Pillar page template with slick chapter navigation and progression scrollbar. Add as many sections as you need. It's drag and drop.

Multi-Filter Listing
Multi-filter listing with various card designs, real-time search, and pagination. Great to organize content in categories.

Video Background
Multiple background options, including video backgrounds, on any section and screen size, with a powerful module.

Mega Menu
Multi-column mega menu with optional header, footer, and aside image. Website navigation at its best.

Comparison Table
Compare products, services, or features in a neatly designed table. Freeze the first column, enable sticky header, and more.

Hero Slider
Large content slider at the top of your page, including background colors, images, transparent overlay, rich text and buttons.

Modals (Popups)
Add modals/popups globally or on a specific page, as stand-alone or gallery. Add forms, subscription boxes, and more.

Lightbox (Popups)
Add image, video, audio, or URL popups. You can do so by linking to your file and adding the lightbox class to that link.

Clean Code
There's no jQuery, Bootstrap, or other heavy-weight frameworks in Act3. It's all plain clean HTML, CSS, and JS (and HubL, of course).

Truly Responsive
Not only desktop and mobile, but tablet too. Act3 has fluid layouts and includes options for large, medium, and small screens.
How is Act3 better?
Create your own layouts
Instead of creating full-fledged section-wide modules, which wouldn't allow for many layout options, we took a different approach. We developed a library of smaller modules, or smaller pieces of content, that you can drag and drop onto your page exactly where you want them, creating the exact layout you need.
With these modules and the included wrapper style options, there are virtually infinite possibilities to create remarkable content sections, without writing a single line of code. All within the drag-and-drop page editor.
Make it yours fast
We meticulously crafted our theme settings to ensure that, with just a few choices of colors and fonts, your brand style is effortlessly and seamlessly integrated, all while preserving the theme's inherent sleek and polished aesthetic.
Achieving more without the time drain and confusion of navigating through excessive settings, and avoiding a final look that doesn't meet expectations, is the essence of convenience.
Act3 liberates you from these complications through its elegantly organized and user-friendly theme settings.
Develop a faster website
Score better on Google PageSpeed Insights, for both desktop and mobile, and start with a solid foundation to successfully pass Core Web Vitals. We serve only the resources needed on each page (CSS, JS) and don't rely on external, heavyweight frameworks like Bootstrap or jQuery. You don't need them.
Act3 uses plain JavaScript and clean CSS code. Everything is lighter and faster, which will greatly help your website's performance optimization efforts.