Section extra settings

Enable more background options on any section

Easily select your theme colors

Background Images

It can be a different image for every screen size so the subject fits perfectly on all screens

Background Videos

It can be a different video for every screen size, so the subject fits perfectly on all screens

Custom color or Gradient background

Linear or radial gradients, up to five colors, custom angle — works with the included decorations and overlays.

CSS code from an external gradient/SVG background generator

Various Overlays

Keep things consistent across your website and choose Dark, Accent, Light, or White overlays and adjust their opacity as needed.

Background Decorations

Apply angle, waves, or disc shapes to the top and bottom of your sections to make them stand out.

Full or Half-height Sections

Make your section half or as tall as a the viewport


Delimitate sections with subtle top/bottom borders


Add custom IDs to this module and link to that ID from anywhere on the page with #your-section-id to smoothly scroll at the top of that section.